
The dresser drawer sticks –

the metal handles slap loudly against its wood frame when jerked open;

raw materials of the rites of passage,

the childish, the criminal, the discarded;

taken out of context and placed absentmindedly into storage.

Red gift bag with teddy bear inside, red bow around its neck; Batman Sucks t-shirt; script from The Glass Menagerie; movie poster, The Hobbit; local deli punch card, a single punch registered; pack of blank 3×5 cards;

Big Wrinkles, stuffed dog emptied of his stuffing, missing both eyes, whiskers pulled off years earlier, marijuana pipe inserted to his neck;

Plastic yellow wall clock reading 12:17; script from Great Expectations; academic letter and award; torn page of a Batman comic; OH SNAP! button; box of Valentine chocolates, wrapped in plastic, unopened;

Baby picture; Cherry by Mary Karr; cough drops; Nerf dart; book of insults from Shakespeare; box of condoms, empty;

Loose change; Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger; 5 decongestant tabs; expired driver’s license; sheet music; Matchbox car;

Homecoming picture; disposable razors; ripped front cover to History of the Americas;




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